Calls the "getPublication" function on the contract.
import { getPublication } from "thirdweb/extensions/lens"; const result = await getPublication({ contract, profileId: ..., pubId: ...,});
function getPublication( options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetPublicationParams>,): Promise<{ __DEPRECATED__collectModule: string; __DEPRECATED__collectNFT: string; contentURI: string; pointedProfileId: bigint; pointedPubId: bigint; pubType: number; referenceModule: string; rootProfileId: bigint; rootPubId: bigint;}>;
The options for the getPublication function.
let options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetPublicationParams>;
let returnType: Promise<{ __DEPRECATED__collectModule: string; __DEPRECATED__collectNFT: string; contentURI: string; pointedProfileId: bigint; pointedPubId: bigint; pubType: number; referenceModule: string; rootProfileId: bigint; rootPubId: bigint;}>;
The parsed result of the function call.